Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics
Skin Care Company, Inc.
(A Generational Family Business )
Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics Skin Care Clinic & Hair Care Clinic
FRANCHISE Opportunities Coming Soon!
Our mission has been the same for almost 2 decades: To educate and help individuals with sensitive skin remove their unwanted blemishes and improve the overall health of their skin. In an effort to increase self esteem, mental health and emotional well-being, for a better quality of life. Now that’s “The Beauty of Morris Code!”
Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics Skin Care Company, Inc. was founded in 2007 by Altra N. Morris President/Licensed Master Paramedical Aesthetician in Advanced Aesthetics and husband Co-Owner and CEO Mr. Rufus Morris Jr. - high school sweethearts and successful entrepreneurs for over 25 years. The Morris Family always had a strong desire to help people and Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics Skin Care Clinics & Hair Care Clinics allow them to do that on a daily basis.
Altra Morris has been in the medical profession for over 18 years. She also has almost 2 decades of experience as a Licensed Skin Care Specialist in Advanced Aesthetics working directly with clinical clients and with professional skin care product development Chemist.
Nahjae Morris - Licensed Paramedical Aesthetician in Advanced Aesthetics.
Sarah Morris - Licensed Master Cosmetologist in Advanced Hair & Scalp Care.
Chanah Morris - Pre-Med Student at Kennesaw State University (on track towards Dermatology).
Rufus Morris CEO- (the family business manager) has been a successful entrepreneur for over 25 years. Owning and operating businesses such as Power 102.1 FM Radio Station, School of the heARTS Film & Music Academy (www.schoolofthehearts.org non-profit 501c3 organization is the Morris family's vocational job training community outreach program, which has been serving families for over 20 years). Now the Morris Family has future plans to expand the operations of Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics Skin Care Company to include a School of Aesthetics to professionally train, certify and license the next generation of Paramedical Aestheticians.
The Morris Family believes in great customer service and serving clients with a Spirit of Excellence with products and services that truly get results. Morris Code Beauty® is an innovative U.S. Corporation that provides consumers, distributors and licensed skin care professionals with advanced aesthetics skin care products and individuals in need with professional skin care services at our growing skin care clinic locations. Morris Code Beauty® continues to expand its skin care product & service locations utilizing experienced Therapist and Licensed Aestheticians that offer safe and healthy skin care practices while continuing to work with top chemist and cosmeceutical labs (research & development) to develop their global brand of quality skin care products. Rufus & Altra Morris work daily along with their daughters Nahjae Morris - Licensed Paramedical Aesthetician in Advanced Aesthetics, Sarah Morris - Licensed Master Cosmetologist in Advanced Hair & Scalp Care and Chanah Morris - Pre-Med Student at Kennesaw State University (on track towards Dermatology) and other wonderful staff of licensed skin care specialist to help each client by providing products & services for all skin types and all ethnicities, utilizing the latest advancements in skin care and hair care technology to perform non-invasive treatments in a relaxing and therapeutic environment. We provide personalized (customized) treatments & procedures by Licensed Professionals that achieve superior results. We can't wait for you to experience "The Beauty of Morris Code!"
In an effort to strategically expand and introduce their products and advanced aesthetic skin care services to new customers around the world Morris Code Beauty® Company has plans to offer FRANCHISE opportunities to Entrepreneurs, Estheticians, Spa Business Owners, Cosmetologist, Nurse Practitioners, Barbershop and Beauty Salon Business Owners, Health & Beauty Retail Store Owners, Wellness Centers and others....
Career Advancement & Job Placement Opportunities
We have national plans to expand our Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics Skin Care Clinics & Hair Care Clinics throughout Georgia and other US States. Our long-term corporate goal is to professionally train, certify, license and assist our Morris Code Beauty® School of Aesthetics graduates with job placement/career opportunities with our Morris Code Beauty® Skin Care Clinic & Hair Care Clinic Franchisee locations. Morris Code Beauty® currently has 17 proprietary skin care products that are used regularly by consumers throughout the USA and Canada. Morris Code Beauty® also has a number of "for-professional-use-only" skin care products that are used by licensed Aestheticians in the treatment rooms to correct a variety of skin conditions. Our Advanced Aesthetics training creates a strategic opportunity for our company to expand our Morris Code Beauty® Advanced Aesthetics Skin Care Products & Service brand worldwide. We look forward to growing together!

Altra Morris

Nahaje Morris

Sarah Morris

Chanah Morris

Allison has now been a Licensed Esthetician for over 25 years

Christian is now the proud owner of
Levey Beauty Studio in Macon, Ga.

Kendall now has a career as a Licensed Aesthetician at a Chiropractic Office
Advanced Aesthetic Courses Also Available!
Ask us how you can order MC® products wholesale for your business!